January 14, 2023
January 16, 2023Welcome to Sunday the 15th of January and the 15th Day of 2023. Our Topic for today is 3 DIVINE GIFTS YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR BY GOD.
Gifts are described as something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation. A present freely given or a natural ability or talent. Divine gifts are those things that God gives each one of us but not in equal measure.
As exemplified in the parable of the talent story in Matthew 25:14-30 where one person was given 5, another 2 and the last was given 1 talent. In that story, we clearly see that God’s gifts to us are in different measure according to His Will and Purpose for our lives.
Today we are going to take a look at 3 Divine Gifts that we have been or will be freely given for which we will be held accountable for by God some day to come. These Divine gifts are not in equal measure but just enough for everyone’s assignment on earth and when one relinquishes their gifts in comparison to others, they fail to live up to God’s expectation for their lives.
So here we go….
GIFT 1: TIME – In Ecclesiastes 9:11, we are told that Time and Chance happens to us all. As long as we are alive, we are enjoying God’s divine gift of time for which we have no control over. With that time, we are expected to be going about our Father’s business (Luke 2:49); the purpose for which we were created.
GIFT 2: TALENT – There is not one person on earth that has no talent, that inborn ability to do or create something. I believe that a common purpose that we all share on earth is that of creation; our ability to create the life we want, the tools we need, the environment we desire and the solutions we require to enhance our lives and wellbeing. Talent is the fundamental thing required to create things, and with that, knowledge, skills, experience and exposure will have to be added to enhance the talent to perform as expected by God.
GIFT 3 – PEOPLE – In John 21:15-17 Jesus asked Simon Peter to demonstrate his love for him through the feeding of His sheep; Sheep here symbolizing people. To each of us is given people we have something for. We are born into a family, we grow up having school mates and colleagues, we encounter strangers, we meet & serve clients or beneficiaries, we make friends and we have enemies. With each one of these people, we have something to give to them and when we miss out on that; we will be held accountable for.
Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” “Without repentance” means that God won’t change His mind about what He has freely given us but He will certainly demand accountability for them.
So as we go through our lives daily, let us be mindful of these 3 free divine gifts God has blessed us with and make maximum use of them so we will be able to give a good account on them some day when we are asked.