February 8, 2023
February 10, 2023Welcome to Thursday the 9th of February and the 40th Day of 2023. Today, we are looking at the 5 THINGS YOU SHOULD HAVE BEFORE EMPLOYING ANYONE TO WORK FOR YOU sponsored by CareerCare.
In my work as a business growth coach, I have encountered several entrepreneurs and businesses who just employ people as a show of growth and not necessarily out of need.
Getting people to work for you should be guided by certain factors that must be present to ensure that you and your business get the maximum return on investment on the employees, consistent productivity, job satisfaction and high retention rate.
Let’s look at the 5 things entrepreneurs and businesses must endeavour to have before employing people.
1. CLEAR VISION – Where is the company going exactly? What is the big dream for this company? A clear vision drives employees towards a destination that is exciting and empowering. It helps to create the energy that gets people excited and dedicated. When entrepreneurs and businesses have the buy in of employees who are fully aware of the vision of the company; getting them to work isn’t as hard.
2. A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THAT HAS TRACTION – Entrepreneurs and Businesses without products and/or services that have traction should not be in a hurry to employ people as they will not have much to do to ensure the growth of the business.
Having clients is about providing them solutions and meeting their needs and having employees enables you to serve those clients. Without the solutions, there is no need for employees.
If you are at the point of finding your product or service, you should be considering bringing in partners, shareholders & investors and not necessarily employees.
3. MONEY / INVESTMENTS – Most employees are talent for hire and their predominant focus is on making money through the exchange of their knowledge, skills and experience.
As an entrepreneur or business, ensure that your primary focus is not on bringing employees to make you money in order to pay them but having enough money through your own savings or external investments to guarantee continuity of initial salary payments while your employees focus on the execution of their roles and responsibilities and meeting set targets.
4. LEADERSHIP – John C. Maxwell says; everything rises and falls on leadership. Hence, the success of your business depends on the success of your employees and the success of your employees depend on the success of your leadership.
If you are self employed; you need to learn and practice leadership as your employees will follow your lead. If you are a business owner, your first order of business is to find an experienced leader who can lead employees to deliver results and ensure good return on your investments.
5. A PRODUCTIVE & EMPOWERING COMPANY CULTURE – Catherine Engmann; a Board Governance Advisor and Executive Coach emphasizes that creating trust and psychosocial safety is the foundation of all great organizational cultures and without leaders dealing with untreated traumas and ego, there is little hope for creating a thriving, productive and empowering company culture that ensures the delivery of results, retention of talents and the growth of businesses. I absolutely agree with her.
So, before you think of employing anyone to work for you, examine the presence of these 5 critical factors and if you fall short in any of them, start working on them immediately.
Need help with your employees? Talk to CareerCare today on +233 55 727 2555 or email info@careercareafrica.com