January 30, 2023
February 1, 2023Welcome to Tuesday the 31st of January and the 31st Day of 2023. Today being the last day of January we are looking at the 5 ROUTINE ACTIVITIES TO DO AT THE END OF EVERY MONTH.
All too soon, the 1st month of the year 2023 has ended and as a tradition, we are going to examine 5 things that will be helpful to do at the end of every month to enable you end the Month on a good note and get ready to take on the next month with determination and purpose.
1. BE GRATEFUL – Recognize everything you’ve been through this month of January, the fact that you are still alive and well, that you still have your job or business, that your family is intact and that you are able to move about doing things; take time to be grateful to God for His mercies, protection and provision.
2. BE ACCOUNTABLE – Take an inventory of what you intended to accomplish this month and review how far you’ve come. Examine the challenges, the actions you took and the things you could not do. This exercise will be best done with an accountability partner. If you don’t have one yet; make it a point to have one in February.
3. CHECK YOUR FINANCES – How did you perform money wise this month. Did you have a budget at the beginning of the month, did you stick to it, did you go over board, were you able to save or invest anything… ask and answer these questions frankly and if you are not happy with your state, plan to change it in the coming month. You can speak with Sophia Kafui Teye about any challenges you are having with your finances.
4. CHECK YOUR RELATIONSHIPS – How are you doing with your relationships? Did you make any new contacts, did you manage your old contacts well, did you resolve any outstanding issues and did you ensure that your relationships are intact and resourceful? You are who you surround yourself with so be intentional about your networks and ensure you are giving and receiving value.
5. CHECK THE USE OF YOUR TIME – Time is a depreciable gift one can not access or make use of once its gone. January is about ending and there isn’t much you can do about all the time you’ve wasted in the month on unproductive activities. Review how productive or not you’ve been and how you can improve on it in February. Learn to plan, to use effective time management tools and constantly evaluate your performance against expectations and your capacity and determine to improve on it going forward. Speak to Doreen or Catherine if you are having challenges being effective and productive.
Well done for completing the month of January, not sure what score you will give yourself out of 1 to 10 but whatever number it is, work on improving it in the coming month.
Don’t work alone; I am blessed to have some amazing accountability partners like Nora, Joyce, Yayra, Yve On, Efua and Mary who keep me on my toes. I am truly grateful to them for being instrumental and impactful in my life.
Finish January hard and let’s tackle February with everything in us, for this year has to be successful at all cost!!!
Do have a productive Tuesday!