December 16, 2022
January 2, 2023What an interesting year 2022 has been. To some it was the most challenging year. To others, it was a year full of breakthroughs and answered prayers. To me, it has been the most revealing year which is ending with massive reality checks and hard truths.
This world is a big stage with several actors of diverse and fascinating characters. It is full of daily lessons and experience building which money can not buy.
While some lessons are exciting to learn, others are painful but the good thing is, all lessons, together, make one see people differently, perceive words and actions critically, make better decisions, build better relationships, love with wisdom, care cautiously, spend wisely, plan meticulously, avoid mistakes, trust slowly, value loyalty and generally become a matured and pragmatic person.
This year has thought me more about people than most years. Most importantly, it has thought me the difference between people who value me and those who see me merely as a means to an end or a useful leverage. The difference is mostly in their reciprocal investment of time, affection and resources.
Regardless, 2022 has been a year like no other and as we all prepare to Cross Over, Pass Over, Walk Over, Run Over… one thing is certain; something will have to be over to ensure your 2023 becomes one that you truly desire and pray for.
For some people, some relationships will have to be over. For others, your bad habits of putting things off, procrastinating, self-doubt, over thinking, over planning, juggling too many things all at once, starting and not finishing things, dreaming and not doing, repeating the same routine and expecting different results, helping people for free always and so on; will all have to be over.
For some others; your need for constant attention and affection which exposes you to manipulation, abuse and heartbreaks will have to be over; you need to find your way back to self love.
For you, it may be your lack of proper life or financial planning, your bad spending habits, your borrowing to live above your means, your addictions, your laziness, your womanizing, your gambling… I can go on and on but you know yourself best and what needs to be over for you to experience an amazing and fruitful 2023.
I am truly grateful to God for 2022. I am thankful to all the outstanding people who in one way or the other added value to my life and those who allowed me to add value to theirs.
May your 2023 bring you numerous testimonies and several reasons to smile. May your new year be death-free, pain-free, debt-free, depression-free, heartbreak-free and sickness-free.
May this scripture be your confession all year; “Who the Son Sets Free is Free Indeed” – John 8:36. May you be truly free to love, to live and to build and leave a lasting legacy! May generations call you blessed indeed!
Happy New Year dear friends!!!